Workshop for young scientists “Scintillation materials and processes for the registration of ionizing radiation”

Dear young scientists! 18-19 September 2014 at the Institute for Scintillation Materials a workshop for young scientists “Scintillation materials and processes for the registration of ionizing radiation” will be held on the following topics:

 1 .Physics of scintillation processes 
2. Scintillation materials and detectors 
3. Luminescent properties of nanoscale systems
4.Luminescent technology in biology and medicine 
September 19th at the Workshop will be a literary and musical evening «Lyrics for physicists».
The program includes:
— Lecture Maxim Stryha: Dante in the context of international and Ukrainian (ukr. language) 
— Romances of kharkovskiy singer Lucyna Hvorost (ukr. language) 
We invite everyone!


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